
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Elon Musk, How does taking one toke of weed make you an addict, but drinking alcohol doesn't make you an alcoholic?

Elon Musk Smokes WEED (1) hit ? With Joe Rogan
    It is interesting how people blow out of proportion what Elon actually did in this interview. How the SEC and others seem to be gunning for someone who gives hope for a better world. Taking one hit from a joint does not mean he is an addict and smokes it all the time and if you took the time to watch the interview you would know that he tried it and does not care for it. 
LOOK here are the questions that nobody is asking and should be asking.
  1. He said it didn't do anything for him, so why would he smoke on a regular basis and how does taking (1) toke make him an addict? 
  2. If you take ONE puff or drag from a cigarette, does that make you a smoker?
  3. The alcohol he was drinking did more than the one hit from a joint did but I don't see anybody calling him an alcoholic?
  4. Alcohol is responsible for millions of peoples deaths but somehow it is still legal, why?
  5. Why did the SEC do only an 8 week investigation, if you had more of a case, wouldn't you take longer to make sure you had a case? 
  6. Is the SEC just another corrupt government agency being told to go after Elon because he is hurting big oil and making NASA look bad?
  7. The minute Elon Musk told the SEC he would fight rather than admit to something he didn't do  the SEC back tracks and offer a lesser punishment? Where they hoping he would just fold and take their punishment like a good dog?
  8. If the SEC had a real case why would they back track instead of sticking to their guns. If you actually had a case against him wouldn't you throwing the book at Elon and hit him with a tougher punishment to make an example of him?
  9. Now they are saying his security clearance is in question because he took one ONE hit from a joint. Does this sound more like a bunch of jealous people(a.k.a. NASA, Big oil ect) who were made to look bad are trying to get even with him? 
  10. The fact that Elon makes NASA look like a joke had to piss off a few people, not to mention the contractors that are over charging the US tax payers, not to mention NASA did't even think about going back to the moon or even talk about human flight until Elon Musk talked about sending people to Mars. Is it possible these people seeing what they think is an opportunity to get even with Elon are just throwing a tantrum ?
  11. Why is the media really all over this? Is it to just make money or is there a darker more sinister political reason?

 In the end none of this would be happening if people would think for themselves and ask more questions.