
Tuesday, June 21, 2016

In today's news, tragedy strikes bunny family.

In today's news tragedy strikes bunny family.

   Bunny foo foo tragically shot dead after he was caught in the act of thumping field mice with a hammer. Seen here flipping off reporters, just minutes after killing more than 44 field mice with a hammer he bought over-the-counter. Unfortunately after he was shot dead by police it was later discovered that the hammer was to blame. The hammer manufacturer is now being sued for the tragic deaths of countless field mice. Congress is pushing to ban all hammers in an effort to curb violence.

Monday, June 20, 2016

What is the one thing that could reverse Global warming?

   What is the permanent solution to global warming?

    Boys and girls, let's take a little refresher course from grade school. What do plants breathe in and what do plants exhale? That's right plants breathe in CO2, which is causing global warming and they exhale or produce oxygen. So why hasn't the government or for that matter any government begun a program to re-forest the planet? A grove of bamboo or hemp can clean more CO2 out of the air, more efficiently than any man-made machine, and I am sure that with a little bit of research we could find other plants that do as much or more. A houseplant referred to as the spider plant, reportedly even has the ability to clean toxins out of the air. Many water plants grow even faster, yet mysteriously our government and our scientists are ignoring the one thing that has potential to solve our problem permanently, why? If our situation is as dire as they would have us believe then I would think they would be trying anything and everything that would be logically feasible,correct? Or is this another wag the dog and our government leaders have a whole different game plan in mind but were not included?

Friday, June 17, 2016

Why do we have headaches and migraines?

     Headaches are probably the number one most frustrating illness there is. I myself have spent countless hours with doctors and specialist, not to mention thousands of dollars. I have been scanned head to toe and yet when I ask the one question that everyone ask's, I get a blank look like deer in the headlights.
 So what is the one question that doctors can never answer? What is causing the headache and how can I cure it? What I usually get is," We really don't know, but we can try this or that." Like I or anyone else want to be guinea pigs for their pharmaceutical. Are they afraid that if they told me the cause, that I might go out and find my own cure?