
Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Elon Musk, How does taking one toke of weed make you an addict, but drinking alcohol doesn't make you an alcoholic?

Elon Musk Smokes WEED (1) hit ? With Joe Rogan
    It is interesting how people blow out of proportion what Elon actually did in this interview. How the SEC and others seem to be gunning for someone who gives hope for a better world. Taking one hit from a joint does not mean he is an addict and smokes it all the time and if you took the time to watch the interview you would know that he tried it and does not care for it. 
LOOK here are the questions that nobody is asking and should be asking.
  1. He said it didn't do anything for him, so why would he smoke on a regular basis and how does taking (1) toke make him an addict? 
  2. If you take ONE puff or drag from a cigarette, does that make you a smoker?
  3. The alcohol he was drinking did more than the one hit from a joint did but I don't see anybody calling him an alcoholic?
  4. Alcohol is responsible for millions of peoples deaths but somehow it is still legal, why?
  5. Why did the SEC do only an 8 week investigation, if you had more of a case, wouldn't you take longer to make sure you had a case? 
  6. Is the SEC just another corrupt government agency being told to go after Elon because he is hurting big oil and making NASA look bad?
  7. The minute Elon Musk told the SEC he would fight rather than admit to something he didn't do  the SEC back tracks and offer a lesser punishment? Where they hoping he would just fold and take their punishment like a good dog?
  8. If the SEC had a real case why would they back track instead of sticking to their guns. If you actually had a case against him wouldn't you throwing the book at Elon and hit him with a tougher punishment to make an example of him?
  9. Now they are saying his security clearance is in question because he took one ONE hit from a joint. Does this sound more like a bunch of jealous people(a.k.a. NASA, Big oil ect) who were made to look bad are trying to get even with him? 
  10. The fact that Elon makes NASA look like a joke had to piss off a few people, not to mention the contractors that are over charging the US tax payers, not to mention NASA did't even think about going back to the moon or even talk about human flight until Elon Musk talked about sending people to Mars. Is it possible these people seeing what they think is an opportunity to get even with Elon are just throwing a tantrum ?
  11. Why is the media really all over this? Is it to just make money or is there a darker more sinister political reason?

 In the end none of this would be happening if people would think for themselves and ask more questions.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

After you have surgery, do you ask for the body parts they took out?

How do you know you have a great auto mechanic? When he’s done with the work he will always present you with the parts that he has removed in order to show you that the parts did need replacing, right?
                Then why is it when we go to the doctor to have surgery he no longer does the same thing? When I was a kid, if my tonsils or appendix were taken out I got them back in a jar, sick right?  When you see them in a jar you think to yourself, ”Yep they needed to come out.” You knew the surgeon didn’t just cut you open, play video games for an hour and pretend to fix something. You had evidence in your hand that the surgery was necessary and if you didn’t think so you could take that body part to another doctor and have him tell you whether the surgery was actually necessary or not.
Is that why they no longer do that? Are they afraid that you would take and use that evidence against them? What if the surgeon removed the wrong part, how would you know? When the surgeon goes in and removes a tumor, how do you know it was benign? How do you know that it was something that actually needed to be removed or replaced?
As a society we have become so trusting that we blindly hand over our lives to someone we really don’t know based on whether or not they have a degree or license. That degree that sits on the wall does not say your doctor was an A student with a 4.2 grade average. The license to practice medicine on the wall does not say how many times the doctor has been sued for malpractice.
So the next time you go to a doctor to have surgery performed ask them for the parts that they take out, and then watch the look on their face as you insist that everything that is taking out is handed to you at the end of surgery. If they object ask them why? If they refuse, (for whatever reason,) ask that the surgery be recorded on video.
When you go to see a doctor or other professional do you ask enough questions?
Why doesn’t your health insurance ask for the body parts taken out?
Are they afraid you’re going to supplement your cats diet with your body organs?
Are they afraid that you’re going to sell used body parts on the black market?

A society that assumes anything will eventually make an assumption that will prove to be fatal.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

What would be the most unusual thing google or Alexa hear?


            My friends tell me that my Alexa is always 
listening to what is going on in my home, and that is why they will never own one. Personally I have nothing to hide, and if the government has nothing better to do than listen to me play techno music then it is pretty sad we have such a paranoid government. 

            But then a thought came to me, what does my Alexa hear and what might some of the things be that an Alexa or Google hear?
  • 1.       Would it hear the dirty little secrets  that my pets are plotting, or my dog’s parties while I’m gone?
  • 2.       Would it hear the repairman joke about how much he over charged me?
  • 3.       Would it hear my friends joke about me when I leave the room?
  • 4.       Does it hear the ghosts that whispering things or the other things that go bump in the night?
  • 5.       Or how about something really absurd, would it hear the last screams of everyone on planet Earth when the world came to an end?
  • 6.       When an earthquake hit’s a city, does it hear “Oh shittttttttt” and then the whimper of those that survived?
           I guess what I am trying to get at is that if Alexa is only listening for the bad things we humans do, then there would be less crime, right or if it is listening for our calls for help, the elderly and others would have less to worry about.  If it is listening to everything then it would be a little bit like listening to an unending soap opera, and if Alexa is truly an A.I. how maddening would that be?  If an A.I. had to listen to humans 24/7, how long before it would go crazy and just start hysterically laughing for no apparent reason? 

         So I’d be curious to hear some of your thoughts as to what you think Alexa or Google is listening for and what it might hear. So please feel free to comment, and try to be creative.

Friday, February 9, 2018

Is global warming real ?

last years snow run off (global warming or normal cycle)
Global warming seems to be on everybody’s mind. Every time I turn on the news there is a story about it, or something related to it. We are constantly told that sea levels are rising and that the ice caps are melting. That we need to stop polluting, reduce the CO2 levels in the atmosphere and somehow restore the ozone.
But what bugs me most is that no one is asking the right questions and no one is paying attention to what is going on around them. When I ask an environmentalist these questions, they become abusive,  threatening, or just don’t want to talk to me. I talk to other people, and they try to tell me there is no global warming and it’s just something made up.
            So here are a list of questions that nobody seems to have an answer for, but if any of you out there do have an answer, please feel free to comment.

  • ·         If CO2 causes global warming and trees soak up CO2, why isn’t anyone saying we should plant more trees to stop global warming?
  • ·         If the ice caps are melting on earth because of global warming and the ice caps on Mars are melting who’s causing global warming on Mars?
  • ·         Where is it written that God said he set the thermostat at the perfect temperature and it will never change?
  • ·         They say that global warming will cause all the low-lying cities to flood.  If that is the case why hasn’t the country Holland (which is below sea level) already flooded long ago?
  • ·         If you fill a glass full of ice and then add water, when the ice melts shouldn’t it cause the water overflow the glass?
  • ·         When you fill a glass with water and continue to fill the glass it will overflow, but when you add water to a spinning ball in space(such as Earth), where does the water gravitate to? Shouldn’t the centrifugal force of the ball force the water to accumulate around the equator? And if you add a large body of water to the equator of the earth what does that do to the rotation of the earth?
  • ·         Why do environmental scientists constantly tell us that the oceans will overflow like a bowl of water when the earth is shaped like a sphere?
  • ·         If CO2 is actually the problem? Wouldn’t it make sense to eliminate those things that are actually producing the CO2 and increase the number of things that consume and eliminate CO2 such as plants?
  • ·         If you can genetically design a plant to produce more of something, why can’t you design a plant or tree that consumes large quantities of CO2?
  • ·         CFCs are supposed to be responsible for the hole in the ozone, but there has been a ban on CFCs for many years. Shouldn’t that have had some effect over the years on the whole in the ozone and why is nobody talking about CFCs anymore if it is still a problem?
  •     If global warming is going to cause an ice age and the earth has gone through many ice ages, who caused all the other ice ages and who or what was polluting the earth back then?

There are a lot more questions I could ask, but my biggest question is why are you not asking more questions or did you forget all the basic science you learned in school?

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Tesla’s Roadster Launched Into Space

Heavy metal Corvette or Tesla roadster, which is more cool? 

    Heavy Metal the movie is about to become very popular after the recent successful launch of the falcon heavy rocket with a Tesla Roadster as a payload. The Tesla roadster in the top image almost does not look real. The bottom image is a Corvette in the animated movie Heavy Metal, which is an all time favorite of mine. I could not help but notice that both spacesuits look very similar, is this by accident ?    The Tesla roadster is on its way to Mars and will be in an elliptical orbit around the Sun and Mars for the next billion years, or so they hope. What a way to ensure immortality.     Alien races coming up on this will most undoubtedly be totally confused. Will they think we are just stupid or just trying to get rid of all the junk here on earth? Just in case it is found by aliens, a disc storing science fiction author Isaac Asimov's Foundation Trilogy is also in the car. Not sure how that will explain the car, but you do have to admit that it is cool. Also on board is a small Hot Wheels replica glued to the dashboard. The question I have here is how much Mattel stock I should buy. At the very least I will be buying a Tesla roadster Hot Wheels replica car in the near future.      The real question that people should be asking is why all the negativity in the news media? Elon Musk has definitely upset the apple cart with the good old boys who build rockets for NASA, even the space shuttle was overpriced and over budget. It should also be noted that Elon Musk's rockets are under budget because his rockets are fixed contract with no over budget allowed. President Trump should also take note as he is always going on about overpriced aircraft, over budget contracts and over paid contractors, but why is the President all of a sudden silent? Why is the government and the national news media bad mouthing everything Elon does?

The question for today is;
Why are taxpayers still paying for overpriced, overpaid and over budget contractors that deliver inferior products?

Why are we not using fixed contracts on all government contracts and making companies compete in an open market?